With his left arm in a sling thanks a ruptured tendon, Christian de la Fuente and his partner Cheryl Burke tangoed and mamboed his way to the top of the judges leaderboard....nice work of choreography and footwook in spite of these limitations!
Jason Taylor did will in the ballroom round, but fumbled in the latin round....much to the dismay of my Miami Dolphins fanatic parents, but in tonight's results show...based on the judge's scores, I think Marissa Jaret Winokur will most likely get the boot from the ballroom.
And is DWTS ever going to incorporate polka dancing in their rountines? It's a great way to put some freshness in the show....and bring in new faces in the Stars of Dance Segment (Tim Padilla, Jimmy Sturr, Big Joe Siedlik or any of the Welk stars)....but most importantly, America (the Midwest to be exact) would love to see the pros (Cheryl, Edyta Sliwinska, Julianne and Derek Hough) get their oompahs on Cleveland and Chicago style.

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