And let's go to the highlights.....starting with Guy & Ralna singing "True Love"
We also have, dressed as Charlie Chaplin....Cissy & Bobby dancing to Scott Joplin's, "The Entertainer" made famous by the movie "The Sting".
How about Tanya Falan and Dick Dale "Swingin' On A Star", or would you rather be a fish or a mule?
Here's Larry Hooper and his fine ladies (Sandi, Gail and Mary Lou) with "Toot Toot Tootsie".
Other great songs include "Take Your Girlie To The Movies", "Do Not Foresake Me" and a medley of songs from "The King And I"
A very, very good show indeed....topped off with Mary Lou's interview with Gail Farrell, whom she talked about her growing up in both Salinas, CA and Durant, OK.....her being a contestant in local beauty pageants, how she got on the Welk Show and her family.
Simply, a real treat to listen to her tell a story. Until next week, take care!

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