Here's Arthur Duncan dancing at the Chinese Theatre to the tune of "Happy Feet", notice the ladies here with their mini skirts?
No surprise why this is my favorite period of the Lawrence Welk Show.
There were many great numbers, such as Guy Hovis' solo of "Go Away Little Girl", Sandi & Sally's enchanting "Leavin' On A Jet Plane" and Dick Dale tellin' a "Whale Of A Tale". We also were treated to a little "Jalisco" from Myron Floren and his squeezebox plus Clay Hart singing Gene Autry's signature tune "Back In The Saddle".
We also heard the orchestra play "Sam's Song" in which the Sam featured was longtime Mayor of Los Angeles Sam Yorty, who in addition to politics was also a pretty decent musician. Tanya Falan, always a favorite of the cameras, sang "Rainy Days and Mondays" made famous by the Carpenters. How ironic that LA these days could use some rainy days due to the oppressive heatwave they're going through.
Still, it was a fantasic episode in my opinion. Bob Havens finished it all up on his trombone with "Blue Skies" featuring the cast for vocal support.
I almost forgot, there was Mary Lou Metzger in the solo spotlight as Shirley Temple singing "On The Good Ship Lollipop", and speaking of short skirts, Mary Lou's costume had to take first place as the SHORTEST!
Speaking of Mary Lou, going to her was Sandi Griffiths in this week's hot seat. Sandi talked about how she started singing as a tot....appearing on Art Linkletter's show "House Party" and her days in college meeting Sally Flynn and the duo singing in Vietnam, Disneyland and Las Vegas before joing the music makers.
Sandi also brushed up on her family, she and husband Brent have been married for 37 years now and she's working on her masters from BYU. She has also been working on genealogy as well, tracing her family's history and roots...they lead back to Ireland if you're wondering.
Next week is another new one, the final new episode of this season. I'll be tuned in like everyone else and once over, I'll provide my two cents worth.
Stay safe everyone....and keep a song in your heart!

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