Rocky Rockwell, who sang and played trumpet for the Welk orchestra from 1950 to 1962, hails from Saint Joseph, MO who also served his country during World War II. Although he can play the trumpet real well, he is best remembered fondly by fans for his singing and comedic skills, especially for his signature tune, "I Love Girls".
Too bad Rocky wasn't with the show during the 70s or 80s, his singing of his signature tune would really have special meaning...working with Sandi, Sally, Cissy, Ralna, Gail, Tanya, Mary Lou, Anacani, the Aldridge Sisters....etc, now that would be fun!
Still, he's a pleasure to watch....and does one mean Elvis impression!

How can I contact Rocky Rockwell or a family member? He was in an orchestra called "Harry Collins and his Orchestra" and my grandfather knew Harry but I need to ID what he looked like. Here is a link to their group photo http://www.mgthomas.co.uk/dancebands/Musicians/MusicianPhotos/Harry%20Collins%20and%20his%20Band.jpg Was Rocky in this photo? Does he know which is Harry?
Thank you,
I know Rocky and he is not in this photo. I will try to get a copy to him to see if he can ID Harry for you.
My grandfather, Chuck Eddy, sang for Harry Collins orchestra and I have many photos of the band. I even remember meeting Harry at his home when I was very young. My grandfather went on to become an agent for Bob Hope and George Burns. This photo is pretty old, but can compare to some of the others I have. Have many old promotional shots and some old posters too. Don't see Rocky in this photo, but boy do I remember his shows, lights out brass player. They just don't make them like Harry or Rocky anymore.
Mike I don't think the link is to the Harry Collins Band that Rocky and and Chuck Eddy were with. Harry Collins was from Grand Island Nebraska and moved to Mesa Arizona after his home was destroyed in a tornado. Harry died in Mesa several years ago. Harry and I were friends in Nebraska and Arizona. I met Chuck Eddy through Harry.
Bill Berry
I sent a thinking of you card to Rocky at the Rehabiletation Center and it came back to me "return to sender unable to deliver". I wonder how he is ?
My Father was Ray Breneman, a trumpet player for Harry Collins, and good friends with Chuck Eddy, and Rocky Rockwell. One the the favorite times of my life, was the night at the Arizona Biltmore, Dad, Chuck and Rocky having coffee and talking about the days on the road with Harry's Band,
Truly magical!
I just saw on tv that Rocky Rockwell died recently. Do not know the exact date, about Dec 18th, 1013 perhaps.
Rocky passed away in Phoenix, AZ on Sunday, December 15m 2013 of natural causes. He was 90 years old
We played music at the assisted-living home where he was a resident. Glad to see the info on his death.
We played music at the assisted living home where Rocky was a resident. Glad to find out what happened to him and when.
I stumbled across this thread while looking for an audio clip of my Grandfather's band, The Harry Collins Orchestra. John Eddy, I don't know if you remember me, but I am Sandy's daughter. Your Mom and Dad were a ball of sunshine in my life, from Grand Island to Mesa. I will never forget giving your dad a samurai hairdoo one night they came over to my grandparents place in Mesa for cards I would love to connect with you. I miss the music and the magic those two created.
Thaddeus, I would love to heare more from you about your father. So many stories left to hear
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