Thursday, July 31, 2008
The benefits of attending a live Welk show

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Blend in with Blender Steve Smith
Ladies, you're prayers have been answered! Time to go back to the wunnerful 1960s as my webpage has opened up a photo album featuring Steve himself, either as a soloist, as a member of the Blenders or as part of the Curt Ramsey Quintet.

Blend in with Blender Steve Smith
A Pete Lofthouse haiku

A Pete Lofthouse haiku
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Greetings from Lancaster!
Of course, I went there for a show two years ago....that's how I met him.

Greetings from Lancaster!
Monday, July 28, 2008
What's going on here?
Larry Hooper getting a shave from a Barbershop Quartet!
This should be fun......

What's going on here?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Tribute to the Big Bands

Tribute to the Big Bands
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Janet Lennon on Password Plus
Emcee Allen Ludden brings out the next puzzle, Janet should get this one....
.....or does she?
Friday, July 25, 2008
And now, another one of my haikus
It's raining outside
Dick Dale needs an umbrella
Thank you pretty girls!

And now, another one of my haikus
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Welk programming ideas of mine
So far, I haven't heard of any pledge week specials on the table. But I do have some creative Welk programming ideas that OETA and many individual public television station might consider which could mean more viewers and those pledge dollars!
For those week-long pledge drives, I can envision an all day Welk marathon where for an entire day (or half a day) PBS can show episodes of the Lawrence Welk Show back-to-back-to-back....and so forth.
Or maybe, for a whole week....nothing but Welk (mini-marathon) in Prime Time!
This one can be for either pledge weeks or normal broadcasting day, broadcast select episodes of the Welk show (those not on the regular OETA Saturday Night rotation) on Late Night, go up against the Tonight Show and the Late Show....or sometime after midnight, which should be popular with the college kids!
Or if you want just simple Welk pledge specials...here's a few suggestions,
Champagne on Broadway, it would take place in Branson where a dozen Welk stars pay salute to the songs and tunes from the Broadway stage.
Champagne Polka Party, where the Musical Family celebrate the show's contributions to polka music, can be held at Branson, Wurstfest, or Hamler's Summerfest.
Maybe than can do a clip show, something on the lines of the Welk show's most memorable and popular musical numbers....kinda like TV Treasures Part Two: Electric Boogaloo.
That's just a few suggestions of mine, any other ideas out there?

Welk programming ideas of mine
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Sally Flynn birthday haiku
She's from BYU
sings with Sandi and Clay too
Give Sally a hand!
Happy Birthday Sally!

A Sally Flynn birthday haiku
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Gail Farrell makes her Welk debut

Of course, the girl I am referring to is Gail Farrell....

Monday, July 21, 2008
Separated at Birth?
Doc Brown from Back To The Future

Separated at Birth?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Salute to Bing Crosby
Here's Anacani singing "South America, Take It Away!"
Next up, the trio of Gail, Sandi and Mary Lou, our stars from Tuesday's Bear Creek concert, going outta space with "Swinging On A Star"
Time to dance with Cissy and Bobby as the prove that "Anything Goes"....
On that week's show, Myron Floren is out on tour, so we meet Joey Schmidt for the first time after playing the "Happy Yodeler Polka"
And here's Ava Barber with a terrific rendition of "San Antonio Rose"
This week's show was excellent! Other great numbers included were "Moonlight Becomes You" by Tom Netherton, "True Love" by Norma Zimmer and Jimmy Roberts, "I'm An Old Cowhand" featuring Jack Imel and Mary Lou Metzger as well as "Mississippi Mud" featuring Larry Hooper and the Welk show's Barber Shop Quartet.
And being interviewed this week by Mary Lou is the lovely Anacani. She talked about part of her career when she was a star on Latin American television, her role in the movie "Zoot Suit" and her own family.
Plus, you can see Anacani as well as many other of your favorites in the Welk Stars Reunion Show held at Branson's Welk Resort the first week of September. I know that I am excited about it!
Until next week's show.....take care and stay cool everyone.

Salute to Bing Crosby
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The results from my latest poll
Thanks for voting! The new poll is up and ready to go!

The results from my latest poll
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sheila Aldridge's brithday
She is an Aldridge
And she can carry a tune
The fellas love her
Happy Birthday Sheila!

Sheila Aldridge's brithday
Greetings from Bear Creek!
It's one for the history books! Each and every one of the girls was super sweet and nice, and their harmonies were picture perfect!
And here's the link, hope you enjoy them!

Greetings from Bear Creek!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Quality time with Mary Lou Metzger.....and go Eagles
I always enjoy my time after concerts meeting and talking with the Welk stars, and last Tuesday got to have some quality time with the lovely Mary Lou Metzger.
We talked about a variety of things, such as Welk, Richard Maloof (her husband), the upcoming reunion show in Branson (she was happy to hear that I'm going!) and her growing up in Pennsylvania.
Since she was born in Pittsburgh, and spent her childhood in Philadelphia....I asked the one question that the world has always pondered.
Steelers or Eagles?
I hate to break it you you guys in Black & Gold, but Mary Lou told me she's an Eagles fan.
If Mary Lou and Richard happen to stumble on this blog, here's a nice moment in Eagles history from YouTube that brings back pleasant memories for them and many other fine football fans.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Buddy Merrill
Country, rock or blues
His fingers do the talking
King of the guitars

Buddy Merrill
Back home again from Indiana
Time to hit the sack.....and got to see the end of baseball's All Star Game at Yankee Stadium (15 innings!).
Who would have thunk it?

Back home again from Indiana
Monday, July 14, 2008
Countdown to Tuesday
I'm very excited in particular because this will be the first time I'll get to see Sandi Griffiths live and to meet her in person! I will be sure to provide pictures from the show and to put on my webpage.
Here are some pics of the trio to tide you over....

Countdown to Tuesday
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Norma Zimmer
Happy Birthday Norma!

Norma Zimmer
Champagne On Broadway
So let's go back to 1971 and relive some wunnerful memories!

Champagne On Broadway
Friday, July 11, 2008
Here's yet another Welk haiku

Here's yet another Welk haiku
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Here's Lou Crosby with a word or two about Dodge...

Here's Lou Crosby with a word or two about Dodge...
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Don Staples' birthday
Happy Birthday Don....this one is for you!
the trombone is not a drag
Don loves to play it!

Don Staples' birthday
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
This week on "CHiPs"
Then comes Officer Bob Ralston of the California Highway Patrol to write them up a citation.....
Knowing that they are busted, Sandi & Sally break out into a fine Champagne Musical Number....
.....and then make their escape from the authorities!
I just know this is going to be on television as another one of Southern California's Finest Police Pursuits.
Larry Welk the Third will be up in the chopper providing narration for KCBS and KCAL. This will win him a local Emmy for sure!

This week on "CHiPs"