Highlights from the show include.....
Jack Imel looking at the lunch menu.....
Joe Feeney wearing a green hat.....
.....and Bob Lido with his Hotsy Totsy Boys going green, period.
ST. PATRICKS DAY - March 17, 1979
1. IT'S A GREAT DAY FOR THE IRISH - Jimmy, Arthur, Norma, Barbara, David, Sheila, Joe, Sherry, Mary Lou, Sandi, Gail, Guy, Ralna, Roger, Ken, Kathie, Tom, Ava, Larry, Anacani & Myron on the accordion
2. GALWAY BAY - Joe Feeney with Myron Floren on the accordion
3. LIKE BE GORRA - the orchestra
4. HARRIGAN - Ava Barber
5. A TRADITIONAL IRISH REEL - danced by Barbara Boylan and Bobby Burgess
6. CLANCY LOWERED THE BOOM - Ken Delo and the cast
7. TOO-RA-LOO-RA-LOO-RAL - Guy Hovis and Ralna English
8. UNIDENTIFIED NUMBER - the orchestra
9. HI LILI, HI LO - Norma Zimmer
10. DANCING THE DEVIL AWAY - Myron Floren at the accordion with Bobby and Barbara dancing
11. DANCE AROUND A STACK OF BARLEY - the orchestra
12. IF YOU'RE IRISH, THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU - Jack Imel and Mary Lou Metzger
14. ALIVE, ALIVE-O - Tom Netherton with Bob Ralston at the piano
15. GREEN GREEN - Sheila and Sherry Aldridge with David and Roger Otwell
16. DID YOUR MOTHER COME FROM IRELAND? - Kathie Sullivan with Bob Ralston at the organ
17. HOW ARE THINGS IN GLOCCA MORRA? - Bob Ralston at the piano
18. MISS ANNE ROONEY - tap danced by Arthur Duncan
19. KATHLEEN - Jimmy Roberts with Bob Ralston at the organ
20. I'M LOOKING OVER A FOUR LEAF CLOVER - Gail Farrell, Sandi Griffiths and Mary Lou Metzger with Bob Lido and his Hotsy Totsy Boys
A delightful episode I must say. It will bring out your inner Irish and go green!
Next week is another new one, a salute to Norma Zimmer from 1965 which is one to watch.
So until next time, keep a song in your heart and don't forget to speak softly and carry a big shillelagh!