A new calendar year brings forth new promises, new hopes and memories which is what the Musical Family demonstrates in this week's episode.
And here are some of the highlights!
Ken Delo is a sucker for a pretty face like Mary Lou....
Richard Maloof receives some shocking news.....
.....and the NCAA investigates more allegations against Ohio State.
NEW YEARS EVE - December 26, 1970
1. THIS COULD BE THE START OF SOMETHING BIG - Gail, Cissy, Mary Lou, Bobby, Joe, Arthur, Norma, Ralna, Sandi, Sally, Guy and Jimmy
2. MAY YOU ALWAYS - Tanya Falan
3. OH HOW MY HEART BEATS - Myron Floren on accordion with Richard Maloof on tuba and assisted by Gail Farrell and Mary Lou Metzger on coconuts
5. THE EARLY DAYS OF THE DANCE/LAND OF A THOUSAND DANCES - danced by Bobby Burgess and Cissy King
6. THIS GUY'S IN LOVE WITH YOU - Guy Hovis and Ralna English
7. GAMES PEOPLE PLAY - Clay Hart with Buddy Merrill and Neil Levang on guitar and Richard Maloof on bass
9. SWING OUT - Johnny Zell on trumpet, Peanuts Hucko on clarinet and Bob Havens on trombone
10. THE MUSIC GOES ROUND AND ROUND - Sandi Griffiths and Sally Flynn with Richard Maloof on tuba
11. YOUR EYES HAVE TOLD ME SO - Joe Feeney with Bob Ralston on piano
12. CUMANA - Bob Ralston on piano
13. BEFORE THE PARADE PASSES BY - Sandi, Dick, Sally, Bobby, Ken, Tanya, Joe, Myron, Charlotte Harris, Curt Ramsey, Ralna, Guy, Gail, Cissy, Mary Lou and Arthur
14. EVERYTHING'S COMING UP ROSES - danced by Arthur Duncan
15. BEAUTIFUL OHIO - Norma Zimmer and Jimmy Roberts
16. DOWN BY THE OHIO - Bob Lido and the Hotsy Totsy Boys featuring Jack Imel on drums, Charlie Parlato on trumpet, Russ Klein on piccolo sax, Bob Havens on trombone, Bob Ralston on piano and Richard Maloof on bass
17. MOONLIGHT AND ROSES - the orchestra
18. LETS START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT - Gail Farrell and Dick Dale with Cissy, Bobby, Arthur, Norma, Jimmy, Sally, Myron, Sandi, Tanya, Joe, Ralna, Guy, Charlotte, Mary Lou and Ken along with Johnny Zell on trumpet, Peanuts Hucko on clarinet and Bob Havens on trombone
During the show, I noticed the recurring theme other than New Year's Eve was the Tournament of Roses parade and the Rose Bowl.
Here's the Maestro talking with the reigning queen of the Rose Parade.
And during the parade number, we see that half the Music Makers waving Ohio State pennants and the other half Stanford pennants.
These were the two schools that were scheduled to play in that year's Rose Bowl.
And if you're a sports fan, Stanford won that game 27-17. The game's Most Valuable Player? It was quarterback Jim Plunkett who would go on to win two Super Bowls in a sixteen year career in the pros.
So until next time, keep a song in your heart and remember where the music comes out after it goes round and round.
Just found this blog and I'm thrilled! I have no idea how I've never come across it before.
I'm a huge Lawrence Welk fan (am watching right now!) and have been watching the show since middle school. I got to go to the Precious Memories reunion concert in Branson. Safe to say I was one of the youngest there since I was only 17 :) Got to meet so many of the wunnerful singers and it inspired me to do my senior research paper on Lawrence Welk and even got to do a phone interview with Ton Netherton for it! Still my favorite interview to this day!
Anyway, enough about me...I can't wait to dig deeper into this blog and look at all the wunnerful things you've posted!
Wunnerful posts that you put on here! Can't wait to find more posts!
My wife and I are watching this episode right now! Thanks for this guide! We were trying to figure out who the tap dancer was; super good!
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