And don't forget to remember those who gave their lives so we can live free....

The Official Blog of Welk Musical
Have a safe Memorial Day
Yes Virginia, there will be a Lennon Sisters Christmas in Branson this year
Buddy's Boogie
First post since the Rapture
I can't believe Bobby Burgess turns 70
It comes right after you have that Prenuptial Feelin'
Great Entertainers: More Highlights
A Toast To Our Champagne Lady
Norma Zimmer obituares
This day in Welk history: May 11, 1951
R.I.P Norma Zimmer (1923-2011)
Champagne Book of the Month Club: Ralna English Family Cookbook
I Left My Heart in..... Oakland?
Kathie Sullivan asks, "Why do I love you?"
The Champagne Five - Tanya's covers of James Bond songs
Today, I feel like dancing