Saturday, May 15, 2010

Musical Family Fan Clubs - Sandi, Gail & Mary Lou's Sampler

There was a time before the internet, when fan clubs connected the stars with the star struck ordinary folk.

One of such clubs was the Sandi, Gail and Mary Lou Fan Club.

Actually, it started out originally as the Sandi Griffiths Fan Club in March 1975 under the direction of it's president, Linda Moore of Hampton, Virginia. It joined the likes of other Welk related fan clubs such as Guy & Ralna, Myron Floren, Norma Zimmer and Tanya's.

Back then, the US Postal Service was the primary means of getting in touch, as with all clubs back in the day. In Sandi's fan club, members received a journalette, known as Sandi's Sampler which contained a handwritten letter from Sandi, a news letter from the club president, a question and answer segment, upcoming live shows, and articles on meeting Sandi.

This is the Sampler, from March 1978 and by then it had expanded to include Gail Farrell and Mary Lou Metzger in reflection of the growing popularity as The Trio.

I purchased it on's got plenty of great stuff in there!

Pictures like Sandi with one of her fans at a concert....

In the concert page, it lists upcoming tour dates for both the Welk Tour and the Trio dating April to June 1978. One of such shows is Sandi, Gail and Mary Lou who came to my hometown of Toledo, Ohio for May 7th.

I wonder if anyone reading this blog went to that concert? Let me know.

The Q&A's are quite revealing, when asked who influenced them the most in their singing career; Sandi's response was her father, the Good Lord, Lawrence Welk and Janie Thompson, who ran the Program Bureau musical revue at BYU when Sandi was a student.

Gail's response was her piano teacher in her hometown of Durant, Oklahoma and Lawrence of course.

Mary Lou's influences? Her mom and dad, her first dancing teacher and the Maestro.

I also liked when asked who are their favorite singers and actors. Gail's are Emmy Lou Harris, Billy Joel, Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway while Mary Lou's are Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Wonder, Ed Asner and Al Pacino.

Like I said, you learn something new everyday here at Welk Musical Family!

If there's anymore about the Sandi, Gail and Mary Lou Fan Club, or any other of the fine Welk related fan clubs you like to share, just drop a line!

In the meantime, I leave you with another nice picture from the Sampler, this one features Cissy King with Mary Lou.


  1. Dear LW Fans,

    My name is Coral Levang and I am the eldest daughter of Neil LeVang.

    I am not sure how many have already learned the news of my father's passing on Monday night, January 26, 2015. He was 83 on January 3rd.

    I wanted to reach out and let you all know.

    Thank you so much for the love and support that you have given to him throughout the years. And thank you for keeping him alive through the music that he shared over the years.

    Coral Levang

  2. My grandfather is trying to find a song by lawrence welk and I was wondering if someone could help me. He says it is an Italian song and some of the words are "vina, vina, vina tu savella. Waiting for you. Vina, vina, vina lonesome and blue. Palm trees are gently swaying. My heart is saying how much I love you."

    If someone could help find the name of this song that would be wonderful because he is wanting the cd.

    Thank you I'm advance for any help you can offer

