Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dick Kesner

Looking at some of the fine violinists in the band, long time fans would surely remember Dick Kesner and his companion, the Stradivarius violin.

Born in Sioux City, Iowa on October 26, 1912; he attended the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago followed by three years with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.

Dick served the US Army during World War II in the Pacific Theater, where he organized his own combo of musicians to entertain the troops. After the war, he played with Freddie Martin's band and with the ABC music staff in San Francisco before he joined the Music Makers in 1953 as first violin chair.

During his time with the Welk Orchestra until 1960, he was one of the more popular members of the Maestro's television show thanks to his beautiful violin solos, played with his trademark Stradivarius. He also recorded several solo albums on the Brunswick and Coral labels.

Dick was killed in a auto accident in Texas on January 8, 1962.

Anyone who wants to learn violin, or perform on a grand scale of excellence, just watch some of the old black & white Welk shows where Dick Kesner performs in the solo spot!


  1. Dick Kesner was my Grandfather and I love his music. He is the one inspiring me to play the guitar.

    1. Do you know where Lawrence Welk got the Stradivarius or about what he paid for it? Did your grandfather have to return the violin when he left the show or did Welk let him keep it? Seems like it would be a very expensive gift for an employee.

    2. I’m Baylee Brock, daughter of the man who commented above back in 2009, Sean Brock. Dick Kesner is my great grandfather. I’m not too sure where Welk got the violin from, nor how much it was. He did not have to return the violin when he left the show, but the violin was sold shortly after his death. Last we’ve seen, it was auctioned off a few years ago and it’s at a violin shop somewhere north of LA. I plan to go check it out sometime soon to verify whether or not it’s there.

  2. I listened to his music while growing up in Burlington Iowa - I always wanted to play the violin because of him.

  3. I remember sitting with my parents watching the Lawrence Welk show hoping that Dick Kesner would play. It was because of him that I did begin to play, and now, over 50 years later and semi-retired, I can look back over a wonderful music career that included the concertmaster position of a major symphony orchestra. I have Mr. Kesner to thank for giving me the inspiration to play, a career that I loved, and a lifetime of musical enjoyment. My only regret is that I was never able to shake his hand and tell him in person.

  4. As a teenager I remember an album on the Brunswick label my dad owned of Dick Kesner. I am a hopeless romantic and I loved to play that album. I cherish the memories of listening to it. My wife and I love to shop Goodwill and just recently came across the very album I enjoyed so much so many years ago. Of course I purchased it and was thrilled once again to hear the maestro playing Zigeuner. What a lucky find!

  5. Dick, Muriel, Judy, Kathy and Lisa were our neighbors. They lived on Bothwell Road in Reseda, CA. Kathy was my best friend as a child. We lived 3 houses from them on Vose St. After Dick died in an accident near the LA River on Tampa Avenue in Reseda the family moved to Texas. Kathy always said Texas girls were the prettiest. It was a sad time for their family. I lost touch with them in the seventies. I still remember Kathys birthday, October 14. Mr. Kesner played the song Danny Boy on Christmas Eve and dedicated it to my family. My brothers name is Danny. My name is Becky.

  6. Dick and his wonderful family lived across the street from me, in Reseda CA, in the late 50s. I was in High School and I would love to hear the beautiful music coming from his house as he was practicing. Dick and another neighbor, Don Robertson, inspired me to write music; which has been my passion for my whole life. I was devastated the day I heard of his tragic death.

    My mother and father, Frances and Jimmie Vitz, were huge fans and spent many evenings at the Aragon Ballroom, where Welk's orchestra ruled! My sister, Cathie, was best friends with Judy and Kathy Kesner. Those were blessed days for our family+++
    John Vitz

  7. Thanks for the info, John and Becky

  8. I might be the current owner of his former house on Bothwell in Reseda. An elderly neighbor of mine had said my house was tied to Lawrence Welk, but I could not figure out how. This is fantastic. I would invite any of the old neighbors over, I'd love to learn more about Dick and the history of the neighborhood.

  9. Doesn’t look like this site gets a lot of traffic, but I was glad I stumbled on it. It was 1962 in Dallas Texas when I first met Kathy. We both hung out at Daugherty’s Drug store after school. That’s where we first met. We even dated a few times. I remember being at their apartment one day after school, her sister Judy and several others were there too. Someone, I don’t remember who, got her dad’s violin out to show everyone. I had no idea of its significance. Her mother found out and was really upset. Through the years I have often thought about Kathy and Judy. Would love to know how they are doing. Fred M

  10. Jules,

    Take a look at my comment just above yours. When I met Kathy and Judy, about 1962, their father was deceased and the family was still in possession of the violin. Don't know if there was an attempt by return the instrument after that time.

    Fred M

  11. Hi, Fred--What a tragedy for the family (and the world) to have lost Mr. Kesner so early. I have a three-episode Christmas DVD where Dick introduces his family, including his then-teenage daughters. A charming family. Any idea of their whereabouts these days?

    1. i’m the great grand daughter of Kesner. Most of us now reside in Texas, still. there’s a few that live up in tennessee. my grandmother, Kathy, moved to tennessee for awhile along with the youngest of the 3 daughters, my great aunt Lisa, but they are back down in Texas as of now. The oldest Daughter, Judy, lives in florida as far as i know.

  12. Baylee, your posts about your grandmother, Kathy, and Judy and Lisa made me smile. We lived across the street from Dick and Muriel and the girls many moons ago. My sister and I went to St. Catherine's school with Judy and Kathy. What great people you have in your family tree. I wish you, and all of them, every blessing †††

    1. I appreciate the reply back, andI will definitely let my grandma Kathy and aunt lisa know you said that! i wonder if they’ll remember you!

  13. I would love to hear back from a relative. I am a big fan of Mr. Kesner.

  14. And John V., I would like to hear more of your stories as well!

  15. My uncle was an amazing accordion player, and he and Dick Kesner were best army buddies in the 96th Infantry Division. They formed a quartet called the GI GYPSIES where they played for the troops wherever they went in the South Pacific. They remained good friends after the war and until his death in 1962. -Laura

  16. Interesting! One of my Dick Kesner records has him playing all Gypsy-type music. Was your uncle on the Lawrence Welk show, too, Laura?
