Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ask Natalie!

Ever wanted to ask Welk star Natalie Nevins a question?

I got a email from my good buddy Brad Moore from Kansas City, he's a good friend of Natalie whom he talks with her weekly by phone. Back in 1999, he made the popular newsletter "Notes From Natalie" in which she gave fans her extensive background in television and stage prior to joining Lawrence Welk.

Me and Brad are trying to put together an interview in which you the fans can submit a question for Ms. Nevins, send it to Brad and she can answer.

It can be about her time in the Welk show, her career and her life....anything you have always wondered.

I'll post the whole transcript on my main webpage in the not-to-distant-future, more details and updates will follow.

Just send your questions here to this email link....ASK NATALIE.

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