Tuesday, October 21, 2008

David Joy

If you ever seen the 1969 Welk episode "Occupations", you might have seen the Dixieland number at the end of that show featuring Bob Havens, Russ Klein and a special guest playing the trumpet.

That mystery trumpter is David Joy.

Back in '69, David was only a teenager....about 15 years old but he plays one mean trumpet on those Dixieland Jazz numbers!

So far, I haven't found any info on him here on the 'net. He's one talented trumpet player and I am curious about what has he done since and if he still performs or not.


  1. I came across David playing at Disney World in Orlando back in 1986. He was in his mid 30's then and still playing well. Of course that was over 20 years ago..... Also believe he played the Welk show when he was just 5 or 6.

  2. David Joy and I were best friends in high school, (Whittier). We also shared gigs playing trumpet with the Seven Card Studs Dixieland Band, 1967-1970. Together, we won a contest at Knott's Berry Farm, recorded an album at Western Recorders on Sunset Bl., performed for 'Doc' Severensen at NBC and even jammed with the Scatman Crothers Trio when they were at Rueben's Restaurant on Whittier Blvd. I have recently made contact with Dave...we played a duet together over the phone :) He still has chops.

  3. I knew David when he lived in Orlando while working for Disney as well. He introduced me to his cousin, Tom Mann, a drummer from Terre Haute, IN.

    Last I heard about him, he was in Wyoming playing. He is a living legend and I hope I can find him and work with him on an upcoming studio project. If you know how to connect with him, please have him email me: k1ne@yahoo.com


  4. David started playing trumpet at the age of 5. He had many engagements prior to the Welk years it should be noted. He had won the Ted Mack original ametuer Hour several times, played with Louis Armstrong at 8 years of age, and was with Phil Harris in Vegas/Tahoe for 4 years before the age of 9.

    He unfortunately had ended a long career in the music industry in 1996 after contracting periodontal disease and eventually had to stop playing. He had traveled with Wayne Newton, Natalie Cole, Kenny Rogers and done some work with Carl Fontana, Mel Torme, and a whole list throughout the years with various singers/performers, to many to mention here.

  5. I played in a dance band with Dave Joy from '75 to '78 in the Disco era. When I moved to Nashville, we got in touch durring the '90s and he was in Vegas. He is still one of the most flat out talented people I've ever played music with and I've played with a BUNCH of 'em! The band we played in was the Jimmy Dye Band, which played at the Club Idaho in Terre Haute, IN. I'm in LA area now and would appreciate anyone who knows his whereabouts writing me at dkyle21@yahoo.com
    Dave Kyle

  6. I worked with him at the Loomis branch in Tulsa, OK. He's a great guy and a pleasure to be around.

  7. Great player!
    I worked with him at Disney and other places in Central Florida in the late '80s--heard he was later involved in some ministry. Last got an email from him about 10-12 years ago when he told me of his teeth problem. Would like to find out more. thanks, mark_yannie@yahoo.com

  8. This individual is a violent sexual predator. I was abused daily by him when I was 17. He was 27. Approximately 1981-1983. Many nights I was held at knifepoint while he went into ranting rages over NOTHING. He forced me to go to work with him at Disney where he played trumpet. He would not allow me to be alone at any time due to insane jealousy and probably fear that I would go to the police. He abused our dog and our cat. I escaped one night as I saw him begin to go into one of his rages. I was completely naked but I was so terrified I ran out the apartment door anyway screaming for help. I was too afraid to go to the police. His mother was completely mentally unstable which obviously affected him. He belongs in jail.......... he actually deserves worse

  9. I do not believe a word of this posting dated 11/1/18. I have known David for many years and I have never ever seen anything remotely related to what you accuse him of. You should have gone to the police way back then if this really happened.

  10. It doesn’t matter what you believe about this person but it is 100% true. Predators don’t Have a label on their head That says they are predators. Sexual predators become very adept at coming across as very charming and trustworthy & normal. The few times we were around other people together as a couple he was so normal and nice and social They hone their craft. David himself was sexually abused at a very young age. For you to say that you don’t believe a word of it just means that you are ignorant I went on to become a very well-known and successful physician I posted this blog as cathartic therapy for me because I have not been able to get rid of the horrific memories I have. Lastly, I was contacted by two of the women he did the same thing to Who also were searching for a way to contact him and really pour their hearts out and tell him what a piece of shit he is. Keep on not believing Take care

  11. And to ask me why I didn’t go to the police back then if it really happened? Because I was 17 years old and he told me if I ever left or told anyone he would Kill me. I was 17! I left Orlando to go live with my dad to hide from him. He found out where I was & came to my dads house when he was at work and raped me. I was so afraid of this person I did not go to the Police. Thankfully for you, you obviously have not ever been through something of this nature ......so it would be hard for you to comprehend. I He had a child of his own that lived in another state that he was not allowed contact with. I became pregnant with his child shortly after I turned 18. He forced me to have a saline abortion (I was 5 months pregnant). You can’t make this stuff up

  12. It doesn’t matter what you believe about this person but it is 100% true. Predators don’t Have a label on their head That says they are predators. Sexual predators become very adept at coming across as very charming and trustworthy & normal. The few times we were around other people together as a couple he was so normal and nice and social They hone their craft. David himself was sexually abused at a very young age. For you to say that you don’t believe a word of it just means that you are ignorant I went on to become a very well-known and successful physician I posted this blog as cathartic therapy for me because I have not been able to get rid of the horrific memories I have. Lastly, I was contacted by two of the women he did the same thing to Who also were searching for a way to contact him and really pour their hearts out and tell him what a piece of shit he is. Keep on not believing Take care

  13. Dear November 1st & January 10, 2019 you say "I went on to become a very well-known and successful physician", well lets find out who you are then? Shall we? Because the comments you have left about this person, are very Slanderous to say the least. And that needs to be addressed.

  14. Thank you to the person who posted on August 28, 2019, asking for proof of who the person is making slanderous accusations. Slander and liable are serious and do need to be addressed. I still do not believe a word of the accusations. Like I said before, I have know David since the early 80's and all during the time he played for Disney in Orlando and in the ministry he was involved with. I know alot about his personal life which I will not reveal here as a courtesy to him and his family and his children. I just do not believe these horrible accusations. And yes, you can make these stories up, people falsely accuse others all the time and it ruins their lives, which you are obviously trying to do. If you are a well know prominent physician then you should be seeking the professional medical help you need instead of posting this garbage. I seriously doubt any psychologist or psychiatrist would advise you to post anything like this as part of your therapy, especially after all these so-called years since your alleged accusations.

  15. Have been wondering where David Joy is. I met him at Harrah’s in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada in 1967. He was playing with Phil Harris at Harrah’s. I was invited to watch him play at Harrah’s and after the show, I went with him and met Phil Harris and others. I can’t remember the name of the elderly lady that watched him as he traveled. Haven’t been able to find anything about him at all. A lot happens in 53 years! LOL

  16. Please I would love to be charged with slander. That way I can bring it all out in the open and hopefully get him convicted. I’ll take a liable slander charge any day over statutory rape, sexual abuse, stalking, domestic violence and animal abuse and attempted murder in more than 2 instances. He should hope I don’t find him

  17. I was a roommate of David Joy in 1985 while living in Orlando.
    The way I met Dave is as follows:
    I had a job working on a pipe laying project in Downtown Orlando and when the job ended I got a job at the Sheraton Twin Towers. I didn't have a place to stay. I was a very naieve person in those days. I had about $120.00. It was the winter time and it was cold. I went into a chicken place and ordered some chicken. When I went to seat myself in the dining room there was a black man sitting at one of the tables. He was very friendly and engaged me in conversation. This man was a preacher. I guess he decided that I am a pretty regular guy because he says to me, "I know a couple of guys who are looking for a roommate. I will take you over there right now but you have to promise me that you will come to my church at least one time and that should be Sunday." I said, Okay.

    Dave and Tom were and probably still are strong Christians and that is how they knew the Preacher.

    The preacher takes me over to this place near International Drive. It was not very far from where I worked at the Sheraton Twin Towers.

    The next Sunday, I kept my promise and visited the Church in Question and I went there with Dave and Tom. The visit to that church has been forever a matter of fascination for me. I wonder why I never went back. I am not a church going person.

    I paid some money and every month I paid part of the rent and part of the utilities. The thing was, I didn't stay there much because I was usually spending time with my girlfriend. I did talk some with both Dave and his cousin, Tom Mann, the drummer. In fact, I learned quite a bit talking to Tom Mann. We both liked Steely Dan and we talked about that group and the fact that Steve Gadd Played on Steely Dan's Album Aja and others.

    Tom Mann is Dave's cousin and played the Drums really well and had moved to Orlando so as to get a job at Disney World. Disney World was a place that Musicians could get work and have a regular job and it played well and they had a Union. Anyway, Tom Mann had procrastinated about getting a job at Disney but the last time I saw him he was working as a replacement and was making a name for himself as a drummer.

    Anyway, if anyone read this and knows either Tom or Dave, please tell them that there is one person who has a very fine memory of the two.

  18. David Joy, son of Jack and Betty Joy of terre haute Indiana is my cousin, he was an amazing trumpet player early in life and gave my mother Judy a autograph black and white photo of him and Phil Harris, my mom and aunt Betty's maiden name was Reedy. My Dad Billie Fivecoat was a piano player his whole life in terre haute Indiana. One night at a performance my cousin David at a very young age ran out of the men's room screaming down the hallway that Herman Munster was in the restroom. He had seen Fred Gwen in the bathroom 😂😁.

  19. I am curious about David because I was in a well known barbecue restaurant in terre haute recently and saw a picture on the wall of him. I have been a resident of terre haute, Indiana for almost 40 years and I had never heard of him. May I ask anyone who knows if he is still alive?
