Thursday, July 24, 2008

Welk programming ideas of mine

The Oklahoma Network released it's Welk programming schedule for 2008-09, which is all repeats and that's par for the course....which is after a season of new shows-repeats is followed by a season of all repeats.

So far, I haven't heard of any pledge week specials on the table. But I do have some creative Welk programming ideas that OETA and many individual public television station might consider which could mean more viewers and those pledge dollars!

For those week-long pledge drives, I can envision an all day Welk marathon where for an entire day (or half a day) PBS can show episodes of the Lawrence Welk Show back-to-back-to-back....and so forth.

Or maybe, for a whole week....nothing but Welk (mini-marathon) in Prime Time!

This one can be for either pledge weeks or normal broadcasting day, broadcast select episodes of the Welk show (those not on the regular OETA Saturday Night rotation) on Late Night, go up against the Tonight Show and the Late Show....or sometime after midnight, which should be popular with the college kids!

Or if you want just simple Welk pledge's a few suggestions,

Champagne on Broadway, it would take place in Branson where a dozen Welk stars pay salute to the songs and tunes from the Broadway stage.

Champagne Polka Party, where the Musical Family celebrate the show's contributions to polka music, can be held at Branson, Wurstfest, or Hamler's Summerfest.

Maybe than can do a clip show, something on the lines of the Welk show's most memorable and popular musical numbers....kinda like TV Treasures Part Two: Electric Boogaloo.

That's just a few suggestions of mine, any other ideas out there?

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