Sunday, June 22, 2008

Music Music Music of 1958

This week's episode on public television stations is another great Silver Champagne Special, titled "Music, Music, Music" which first aired on January 4, 1958. The Maestro is ready to open the show so here are some highlights!

Here's Dick Kesner with his Stradivarius violin playing "Brahm's Lullaby".....

Next is Big Tiny Little at the piano playing the Dill Pickle Rag.....

Check it it, Buddy Merrill is doing a tag dance with the ladies in the audience!

And finally, here's the Lennon Sisters singing the story about Fernando the Bull.

Next week's show is the Caribbean Cruise show from 1980, the next "new" show is two weeks from now.

Regardless, I'll be keeping in touch.....keep a song in your heart!

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