Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday, Monday

For those who don't believe that I live in's some proof.

On my way back from the Steve & Barry's store in Woodville (I bought two great pairs of Starbury sneakers for $19), I stopped by the corner of Front and Consaul over on the East Side and took this nice picture of the world famous Tony Packo's Cafe.

That's the place Corporal Klinger talked about on M*A*S*H....and their Hungarian-style hot dogs are tasty!

And since famous people have autographed hot dog buns adorning its walls, I am guessing that Lawrence Welk was among them.

I wonder if any of the Musical Family ever ate at Packo's when they visited Toledo?

Sad news to report....I got word from one of the Welk Yahoo groups that longtime First Trumpet player Mickey McMahan passed away last Wednesday.

He was a brilliant trumpet player, playing not just for the Maestro but also with Les Brown and Bob Hope on many of his USO performances for our brave men and women in uniform.

I'll add more once I find an online obituary....and promise to send the link.

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