Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Larry Dean

Today is music maker Larry Dean's birthday, and as always, I wrote a haiku for this event.

Happy Birthday Larry! Hope you like your gift.....

His name is Larry

and his voice can melt butter

He's that smooth ladies


  1. You always look the same Larry,
    and I will never forget you.

    Your X cousin from KY Jerone

  2. Dear Larry - I hope that you get to read this message so you will know that I am such a big fan of yours. I love the clips of you on you tube where you and Diane Lennon are singing together. You have such a beautiful singing voice and you and Diane sang so beautifully together. I have your 45 of your record - Poni Tail. I love that song so much. Do you still perform? I am on face book and my e mail is - It would be so nice to hear from you. I want to wish you a very happy holiday and a very happy new year. My Best To You Always. Sincerely Jay
