Thursday, January 17, 2008

Richard Maloof's birthday

Today is Champagne Music Maker Richard Maloof's birthday, he played bass and the tuba for the Maestro from 1967 to 1982.

In honor of this occassion, I have prepared a special birthday haiku for him.

Richard plays the bass

And can play one mean tuba

Mary Lou likes him

Happy Birthday Rich!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Richard,

    You may not remember me, but I graduated Norte Del Rio High School in Sacramento, a year behind you. I played clarinet in the Band for a while, then became a majorette. That doesn't really matter, but the fact that I watched Lawrence Welk and you from the very beginning and to the end. Public Broadcasting up here in Grants Pass Oregon airs the "Oldies but Goodies" every week. Still enjoy it!

    Hope life is good for you as it is for me.

    Gerrie Carney 1958
