Sunday, December 02, 2007

Here's a showstopper for you!

Just as I thought.....when I turned on the tube at seven last night, WGTE showed "Showstoppers", a repeat Welk episode from 1979 and not the new "Johnny Mercer" episode.

Fun topic to celebrate my 500th post on this high-quality blog....

Next week, the pledge fun continues when my station airs the "God Bless America" special from Branson in 2002.....that should be a trip down memory lane.

Did find out in addition to KBYU, the folks at Milwaukee Public Television are also showing the full slate of episodes this month.

And I must add that the good folks in Sudsville will be excited to say the least!

Here's a nice picture of the Aldridge Sisters and Otwell Twins singing "Cotton Fields" from last night's show.

Wanna see it again, thanks to can!

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