Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Champagne Music Maker Sanjaya Malakar?

Yes, I know what most of you are saying...."Has the blogmeister finally lost his marbles?" and "since when did JB Funky start watching American Idol?"

At first, it may sound silly....especially since everybody in the Free World knows about the popular star from FOX's American Idol, but here's my two cents on this.

From what I have seen, and yes....I usually don't watch Idol until now....Sanjaya Malakar of Federal Way, Washington has potential. He has great stage presence, a likeable fellow with a nice smile, personality, and his charisma lights up when he performs for the audience. I betcha that if the Welk show was still on the air, the Maestro would take a liking to this kid....he's a great candidate for the Welk organizatrion's Youth Oppurtunity Program, where he can get superb training for his vocals and his talents by the at Escondido as the Welk Resort's singing host and who knows....appear on the show first as a guest and if fan letter reaction is positive.....become a permanent member of the musical family!

By the way, he did make it into the Top Ten the sky's the limit.

Remember to keep a song in your heart

....and vote for Sanjaya!

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