Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Big 3-0

It's a big day for the blogmeister this Saturday, I am now a member of the thirtysomething club!

Personally, it all happened so feels like only yesterday that I just turned 18 and still attending Sylvania Northview High School. I guess that when your a kid, time seems to drag along at a snails pace....but once you become an older adult, time files really fast and the next thing you know it, you're 65 and ready to collect your Social Security.

I am actually ready to tackle middle the Maestro, some of life's best accomplishments happen after thirty!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birfday! A milestone indeed. I hi the big 4-0 a few months ago. Funny, I don't feel 40.

    Have a wunnerful, wunnerful day.
