Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Birthday Kids

Speaking of the birthday kids, we have a double shot of music makers celebrating their special day, first off is Cissy King, super dancer and singer....

..... and the other is Neil Levang, guitar and banjo player extrodinare!

Cissy hails from Albuquerque, New Mexico...and Neil hails from Adams, North Dakota.

The feller we know by the nickname as "Evil Levang" joined the Welk orchestra in 1959, when Buddy Merrill was drafted into the Army. Cis joined the show in 1967 as Bobby Burgess' newest dance partner.

Together, the two have combined for over thirty years service with the music makers and have left wunnerful musical memories for fans to watch over and over on television...and both continue to inspire a new generation of dancers, hoofers, banjoists and guitar heros!

Happy Birthday Cissy and Neil, a great way to start 2007!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's great to know I share my birthday with 2 of my favorite members of the family!
