Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Ken Delo!

Today is Ken Delo's birthday, he's very special not because he can sing, dance and make people laugh...but for the webmaster, he hails from Detroit, just sixty miles north from my hometown of Toledo!

Ken, in addition to all those talents, is also a terrfic magician, hypnotist and author....remember "The Frozen Horror?"

He's also an icon down in Australia, appearing on TV down under with Jonathon Daly as the team of 'Delo and Daly". He also had the good luck of meeting tap dancer Arthur Duncan there whom many years later in 1969, Arthur recommened to the Maestro about Ken being on his show.

It was a very solid move, he became a member of the musical family and the fans, especially the ladies in the audience, loved it!

His children, Kimberly and Kevin, have been on the show as well and have many of the musical talents inherited from their famous dad.

You can find more about Ken and then some at his official webpage.

Happy Birthday Ken.....AH-HA!

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