Saturday, July 01, 2006

Indiana.....well, sort of

This week's episode courtesy of OETA and your local PBS station is a repeat with wraparounds by Norma Zimmer. It's titled "Indiana" and here's the gang with the opening number, a musical salute to the Indianapolis 500 titled "Back Home Again In Indiana."

Regretfully, for all you Hoosier Welkies, it's the only Indiana number featured throughout the show.

However, there were several great musical numbers from this 1967 episode, such as Myron Floren's rendition of "Tico Tico", Barbara Boylan and Bobby Burgess dancing to a lively "Sway" and Jo Ann Castle below playing "A Shanty In Old Shanty Town" on her piano.

We also hear from the Lennon Sisters with two numbers, "There's A Kind of Hush" and "I'm Coming Back To You". Joe Feeney singing one of his favorites "Without A Song" and the maestro has a chance to meet the Apple Queen, Bean Queen and Cherry Queen of Michigan.

Don't forget to eat your apples, beans and cherries to stay healthy!

And for the third time in many weeks, we get to hear "Something Stupid" again, this week is sung by Kathy Lennon and Steve Smith. I guess Lawrence really likes that Frank and Nancy Sinatra song...actually it's the audience, they have the final word you know.

There were many numerous numbers tonight, especially this rockin' guitar instrumental by the "dynamic duo" of Buddy Merrill and Neil Levang playing "San Antonio Rose".

That's this week's show in a nutshell....I think next week is a new one, so I'll better check. Maybe someone else will also sing "Something Stupid"'ll never know.

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