Saturday, June 10, 2006

Vacation Show

This week's episode is a repeat, for those who wanna get away from it's A Vacation Show from 1980. Kathie Sullivan is the host for the wraparounds. Here's the gang above hanging out at the ice cream parlor singing, "Let's Get Away From It All".

Speaking of Kathie, here's her from 1980 singing, "Have I Stayed Too Long At The Fair" and during her wrap segments, she talked about her family plus her role as Jane Long in her one-woman show about the history of Dallas, where she now makes her home.

Back to the show itself, there were plenty of great numbers such as the "Come To The Mardi Gras" dance by Bobby & Elaine, "Leavin' On A Jet Plane" by Guy & Ralna, Joe Feeney rendition of "Around The World In 80 Days" with help at the organ by Bob Ralston and a nice orchestral version of "Tuxedo Junction".

Here's a nice quintet for you, Dick Dale, Gail Farrell, Ava Barber, Charlie Parlato and Kenny Trimble singing, "Things" which is easy for the ears and easy on the eyes if I must say so myself. Other numbers that were featured included "In Acapulco" by Anacani, the Hawaiian Wedding Song by Tom Netherton and "Louisiana Hayride" by the chorus to close put the show.

It was a very good show, and it makes me eager to get away from it all!

1 comment:

  1. That's the proverbial "blast from the past". I used to watch Lawrence Welk at the knee of my Great-Grandparents while eating mint junipers and snickerdoodles. Longest lingering memory? Tiny bubbles......
